Women's Retreat - Endicott, NY (text EN, PL)
Another women's retreat was organized by the Christ the Redeemer in Manville, NJ. On May 19-21, a group of 19 women went with Fr. Marcin Zubik to Endicott, NY to live the retreat there. This time, five of them, who participated in the same retreat a year ago, preached catechesis and shared the experience of God in their lives. Here is a testimony from one of the participants: On Friday morning May 19th, my raw, desperately needing to be remodeled house seemed like a place I wanted to run away from. I wanted my kids to be quiet and I was happy when I did not have to see my husband at all. ..
Rekolekcje Małżeńskie
W dniach 21-23 kwietnia odbyły się rekolekcje dla mężczyzn. Pierwsze takie rekolekcje miały miejsce w ubiegłym roku pod przewodnictwem O. Marcina. W tym roku z pomocą O. Marcinowi przyszła grupa pięciu mężczyzn, którzy po przeżyciu ubiegłorocznych rekolekcji, tym razem w nowej roli głosili katechezy i dzielili się doświadczeniem Boga w swoim życiu. Oto świadectwo jednego z uczestników…
A Small Christian Community Launched with 'Live Lent'
Fr. Stan asked the parish’s Evangelization Committee to create a small, Christian community for the 6 weeks of Lent, using the “Live Lent” program from Renew International. Fifteen, enthusiastic parishioners are participating.
Using reflection questions from their Live Lent booklets, members share with each other the various ways they are seeing God’s actions in their lives. The group of 15, which is divided into 2 or 3 smaller, discussion groups, is meeting on the 6 Monday evenings of Lent in the John Neumann Building on the Sacred Heart campus at 7 PM.