In 1925, Sacred Heart Parish purchased 40 acres of property on the outskirts of Manville for a parish cemetery. It was blessed by Bishop Walsh on October 17, 1927. The cemetery is located on Millstone River Road in Hillsborough. As the population of Manville increased, an additional 22 acres of land was puchased for cemetery use. A final purchase of land was made increasing the total to 74.7 acres.

Sacred Heart Cemetary is not only a burial place but also is a place conducive to prayer and meditation with religious statues at each circle. It was envisioned these statues would inspire hope of the resurrection to all who viewed it. A beautiful, peaceful grotto was built from the stone blocks salvaged from the demolition of the orginal Sacred Heart Church building.

A caring staff provides well-maintined grounds designed to meet the needs of each family and to commemorate the lives of those buried there. Memorial counselors also offer information on purchasing cemetery plots for your pre-planning needs.

The right to purchase burial easements at Sacred Heart Cemetery is limited to parishioners of Christ the Redeemer Parish, along with parishioners of the other Catholic churches in town, i.e., St. Mary Byzantine and St. Michael Ukrainian Churches.

Catholic cemeteries and churches are places consecrated and set apart as the "sacred space" which the Church designates and reserves in this world exclusively for the worship of God and the celebration of His mysteries. They reflect the deep faith of Catholic Christians in the intimate connection between the death of the believer and the death of the Lord, support our conviction that the bodies of the baptized have been the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, and are an expression of the ministry of the Church to the bereaved among us and to the deceased themselves who continue to be members of the church, suffering and triumphant.


  • Parish Office
    98 South 2nd Ave., Manville, NJ
    Manville, NJ
  • Sacred Heart Cemetery
    1096 Millstone River Rd.
    Hillsborough Township, NJ
  • +908 725 0072



The Catholic cemetery seeks to assist people in accepting the reality of death in a context of faith in the promise of eternal life. Our facilities and services include a place for burial, an environment to meet the needs of the liturgy of burial, an atmosphere to encourage prayer for the dead and in which love is remembered, hope is rekindled, and faith is awakened and strengthened.

We also seek to minister to the poor, who must be treated with dignity in life as well as in death. We minister to the living by helping them to anticipate their needs when the time will come for them to face the reality of death through the arrangement of burial space for themselves at a moment when they can acknowledge and address the issues surrounding their own mortality in an atmosphere of peaceful reflection. We see this aspect of our ministry in particular as catechesis and evangelization. In the valuable recordkeeping which we do, we also serve as an archives of the community of Faith in this place and time.

We invite everyone to understand this cemetery as a statement of our Catholic Faith and as an expression of our commitment to prayer and service.


  • The Cemetery is owned and operated by the Polish Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart, Manville, NJ.
  • The grounds and all lots have been solemnly consecrated according to the Rites of the Roman Catholic Church and as such are subject to all the relevant canons of the Code of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • The Cemetery conforms in all relevant matters to the applicable laws of the New Jersey State Statutes regulating the operation and administration of such facilities.
  • The administration and supervision of the Cemetery are the responsibility of the Pastor of Sacred Heart Church.
  • The enforcement of all rules and regulations is entrusted to the superintendent of the Cemetery and his staff.
  • The Cemetery office is located in the parish administration building on the corner of South 2nd Avenue and Filak Street in Manville.
  • Office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Should it become necessary to make arrangments outside of office hours, appointments can be arranged.
  • The main gates of the Cemetery grounds are open daily from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. from May 1 through September 30, and from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from October 1 through April 30.
  • Sacred Heart Cemetery reserves the right to close the cemetery when conditions or situations warrant it. If the gates are closed during the day, it is because special work is being done there and, for safety reasons, people are not permitted into the cemetery. Under such circumstances, please make no effort to enter the cemetery.
  • When the cemetery entrance gate is closed, this indicates the cemetery is closed to visitors.
  • Although the primary responsibility of Sacred Heart Cemetery is to serve the burial requirements of its own parishioners, the privilege of purchasing burial easements is extended to the members of the other Catholic parishes in Manville; i.e., Christ the King, St. Mary Byzantine, and St. Michael Ukrainian. Children (sons and daughters only) whose parents are interred in Sacred Heart Cemetery are also so privileged, providing perpetual care for their parents' graves is not wanting. Otherwise such privilege will be denied until this obligation is met.
  • The term "lot-owner" defines the purchaser of a burial easement who is subject to the conditions specified in the document issued at the time of purchase.
  • The purchase of a cemetery lot does not confer ownership of the land but only a right in the nature of an easement to use the lot for the burial of the dead for as long as the property continues to be used as a cemetery, as provided by law.
  • Lots purchased on a preneed basis may be reserved with a down payment of 25%, and the full purchase price to be paid within six months.
  • Cemetery lots shall be indivisible and the descent of a family plot to heirs occurs as regulated by civil law.
  • Private sale of burial easements by lot-owners is prohibited. In the event an owner of an easement wishes to terminate his ownership, the easement will revert to the cemetery at the original market value.
  • If perpetual care has not been paid for a grave(s), the lot-owner is subject to an annual prevailing maintenance fee for such grave(s). The current rate can be determined by a call to the cemetery office.
  • Perpetual care provides overall, general maintenance of the cemetery such as grass cutting, trimming, leaf pickup, trash disposal, snow plowing of roads. It does not include coverage of damage or theft of grave decorations, flowers, vases, vigil lights, or monuments/markers.
  • Perpetual care must be paid for the entire plot before permission to erect a monument or add lettering to an existing monument is granted.
  • When purchasing an easement, monies are applied to all other charges before that of perpetual care. In other words, perpetual care is the last to be credited.
  • The cost of the foundation for monuments/markers is not included in the purchase price of the lot. The foundation price is part of the monument cost which is paid through the monument dealer.
  • Grave openings are done by the cemetery superintendent and his staff only.
  • The management may refuse interment in any lot against which there is any unpaid account balance.
  • No burials will be conducted on Saturday after noon. An overtime fee will be charged for all Saturday burials. No burials will be conducted on Sundays, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas or any Church holy days; i.e., Ascension Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, the Assumption, and All Saints Day.
  • Standard vaults or better are mandatory for all interments. Interments are limited to human remains.
  • No article inconsistent with propriety or dignity shall be permitted on any lot or grave. No photographs or any inscriptions deemed unsuitable by the Cemetery Administration may be placed on any monument or marker. The Superintendent is empowered to remove at his discretion any offending article.
  • For the purpose of performing work on any lot, grave or other part of the cemetery, the Cemetery reserves the right to enter upon and use adjoining areas, including lots or graves, and to use such machinery and materials as may be necessary to perform all the work in connection therewith. Said work shall include, without limitation, the making of interments, disinterments, and excavations for any other purpose, as well as repairs and improvements. When opening a grave or to make an interment or disinterment, the Cemetery accepts no responsibility for damage to any flowers, etc. on adjoining graves.
  • Due to the difficulty and expense involved in the disposal of flower arrangements under municipal solid waste disposal statutes, only a manageable amount of floral arrangments (four) are permitted to grace the casket during the graveside service. These floral arrangements will be removed and disposed of by cemetery personnel at their discretion, usually within three to five days after interment.
  • Requests for any and all work to be done at the cemetery should be submitted to the cemetery office either by phone or in writing. Please do not interrupt the superintendent or cemetery employees with these requests.
  • For liability insurance purposes, only the cemetery contractors are authorized to cut grass. It is not permitted, under any circumstances, to bring mowers or power equipment of any kind onto the cemetery grounds.
  • Under no circumstances are the cemetery employees to be interrupted when they are working, and in particular, when they are using power machinery.
  • Other than the one-foot planting area in front of a monument, work of any kind at the cemetery is to be done exclusively by our work crew. Private cutting of grass, planting of sod or grass seed, adding fertilizers, etc., are strictly prohibited.
  • For safety reasons, visits to graves should be postponed when power machinery is being used in the vicinity.
  • Seed will be planted at the discretion of the superintendent based on settling of the grave, weather conditions, and work schedules.
  • When seed is planted, the family's cooperation is requested for watering it until it takes hold.
  • Please conform to recycling procedures. Dispose of cemetery trash in appropriately marked receptacles.
  • Only the regulation flower vase is permitted. Tin cans, glass jars, etc., are not permitted and will be removed without notice. •Fresh cut flowers may be placed on cemetery lots only in regulation vases, which are available for purchase through the office.
  • During the spring and summer months small, non-spreading flowers, such as geraniums, petunias, impatiens, etc., may be planted within one foot of the front of the marker and in a prepared bed, and must be weeded, watered, and maintained by the lot-owner.
  • In the event the flower bed is not maintained, it will be cut down by the cemetery employees during trimming operations. •No shrubs, bushes, or spreading plants are permitted.
  • Potted plants are only permitted for holidays and are to be placed near the monument not more than one week before the holiday, and they are to be removed within two weeks after the given holiday (dates of removals will be announced in church bulletin); otherwise they will be disposed of by our cemetery crew.
  • Christmas grave decorations must be tied to the headstone. Metal clips are not permitted.
  • Holiday decorations; i.e., Christmas, Easter, etc., are limited to ONE DECORATION PER GRAVE.
  • The placement of flowers, plants, and decorations are at the discretion of the family. Sacred Heart Cemetery does not accept any responsibility for such decorations in the event of damage or theft.
  • No mounds are permitted.
  • Articles such as shells, stone chips, mulch, wood chips, glass receptacles, styrofoam and wooden crosses, statues (and other decorative objects which may in the judgment of the superintendent be objectionable) will be disposed of without notice.
  • Personal effects, such as statues, knick knacks, caps, key chains, novelties, etc., are not permitted and will be disposed of without notice.
  • Balloons, greeting cards, vegetables (such as pumpkins, tomatoes), fruits, etc., are inappropriate as grave decorations and are not permitted and will be disposed of without notice.
  • Fences, hedges, coping, edging, curbing enclosures, ironwork, wires, seats, urns, posts, and any and all such permanent accoutrements are prohibited on the cemetery lots and will be disposed of without notice.
  • Vigil lights are not recommended. Should a vigil light be installed on a grave, Sacred Heart Cemetery is not responsible in the event of breakage, theft, or vandalism.
  • Flags may be placed in appropriate holders on the graves of veterans.
  • All financial obligations pertaining to the funeral and/or burial must be satisfied before permission to erect a monument or to add lettering to an existing monument is granted. Such permission can only be obtained at the cemetery office.
  • Monuments and markers may be purchased from any company, from any public or private source.
  • Inscriptions and symbols on monuments should be chosen with consideration for the dignity of the cemetery. Depiction of hobbies on monuments is not permitted.
  • In Sections A, B, C, and D, size and type of monuments are not critical factors, however, discretion should be exercised in choosing a monument.
  • In Sections E, F, G, and H (Row 101 and higher), upright monuments must conform to the size established for the respective area in order to maintain a uniform appearance. Only gray granite is permitted.
  • Installation of monuments and markers and all inscriptions are the sole responsibility of the company which provides them and must be scheduled through the cemetery office and accomplished under the supervision of the cemetery management upon issuance of a permit.
  • The cost of the foundation for monuments/markers is the responsibility of the family/survivors. The foundation fee is due when the monument order is placed.
  • Markers are installed flush with the ground (below grass level).
  • Government markers and those identifying an infant's interment are the only flush markers permitted in Row 101 and higher.
  • On December 27, 2001, President Bush signed a law which allows the Department of Veterans Affairs to furnish an appropriate marker for the graves of eligible veterans buried in private cemeteries, whose deaths occurred on or after December 27, 2001. This law is not retroactive. Only the flat, bronze marker is permitted. The fee for installation of the foundation for such markers is the responsibility of the family. All funeral/burial expenses must be paid in full before requests for Government markers will be processed.
  • Foundations are poured only by cemetery employees.
  • Cost of repair, maintenance, and upkeep of all monuments, markers, and their foundations are the responsiblity of lot-owners. Permits for such work must be obtained at the cemetery office.
  • The management will not be responsible for damage to any monument or marker within the cemetery.
  • Pouring foundations, installing monuments, etc., is done at the discretion of the superintendent and is contingent on the weather and work schedules.


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Sacred Heart Cemetery

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Sacred Heart Cemetery

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Sacred Heart Cemetery

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On December 5, 1917, a few days after his ordination, Father Francis A. Kasprowicz was sent to organize and minister to the needs of the Poles in what was eventually to become the Borough of Manville.

Initially, the Manville Fire Department granted Father Kasprowicz permission to use its headquarters near the Lehigh railroad on South Main Street for Masses and church meetings. However, a more permanent arrangement needed to be made, and Father Kasprowicz set out to organize his people to plan for their future as a parish. 

On March 11, 1918, six parcels of land were purchased, and a vigorous campaign was launched to raise funds for the building of a new church on the newly acquired property. The official incorporation date of the parish, known as the Polish Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart, was March 12, 1919. The property was blessed on August 17, 1919, with services marking the groundbreaking for the new church and school building. On October 19, 1919, Bishop Thomas J. Walsh blessed the cornerstone of the church building.

In 1925, the need for parochial burial grounds was apparent, and the purchase of 40 acres of land was made for use as a parish cemetery. This tract of land is located on Millstone River Road in a section of Hillsborough just south of the border between Manville and Hillsborough. Later, in 1945, Father Peter Wieczorek, the second pastor of Sacred Heart Church, enlarged the cemetery with the purchase of an additional 22 acres.

Eventually an ornamental iron fence and an entry gate were added to enhance the landscape of the parochial burial grounds. Water lines were also extended throughout the existing cemetery for the convenience of the public and the groundskeepers. At the second circle in the center road, a monument of the “Pieta” was erected. On June 11, 1957, the Rev. Msgr. Martin A. Madura was appointed by Bishop George W. Ahr to succeed Father Wieczorek. During Monsignor Madura’s stewardship, an additional tract of land was purchased to enlarge the parish cemetery to 74.7 acres, thus ensuring burial space for many years to come.

After Monsignor Madura's retirement, Fr. Joseph Krysztofik was assigned to the pastorate of Sacred Heart Church. During his tenure, roads at the cemetery were widened and resurfaced. A beautiful 18-foot high, double-faced granite memorial, depicting the Sacred Heart of Jesus on one side and the resurrected Christ on the other, was erected to inspire the hope of the resurrection in all viewers. Later, Fr. Krysztofik was instrumental in having a granite monument of the Crucifixion erected. By late 1970, two new sections were developed – one for two-grave plots and the other for three- and four-grave plots. In 1989, a new section for single lots was opened as well as a new Baby Section.

In 2001, Father Boguslaw Augustyn, C.Ss.R. the sixth pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, concentrated his efforts on making improvements. The chain link fence around the sides and back of the cemetery was replaced, and two undeveloped sections were cleared and planted with seed. At the first circle, a stone altar and two benches were added for use when services are held there. Also a flower bed, bordered with Belgian block, was added at the base of the monument. In Section D, all leaning monuments were straightened and rows were aligned. Just inside the entrance gate the center island was cleared of trees that were overgrown and in some cases diseased, and bushes were planted. The statues at the front gate were power washed, and a new bronze sign, listing our basic policies, was installed.

Many of our families have several generations of loved ones buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery. Thanks to the foresight of all our pastors, it is a sacred and serene place where everyone is invited to visit the graves and to spend some time in prayer and reflection on the lives of those buried there.
last updated: 06.21.2017