98 South 2nd Ave.
Manville, NJ 08835
Phone: (908) 725-0072

Beautiful Easter Season
Dear Parishioners and Friends,

With our celebration of Easter, we proclaim "Christ is risen", and call each other and the world to renew our hope. We dare to hope, because the eternal Word of God dared to take our flesh and passed through death to new and glorious life. By doing so He opened the way for us to embrace eternal life. And so we dare to hope and, even more, dare to share that hope with a wounded struggling world.

Over the last weeks our hope has grown as we observed fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Lenten celebrations of the Way of the Cross, Gorzkie Żale, the Lenten retreats, "Live Lent Program", and the Lenten Concert by world class soprano Magorzata Kellis are clear indications of our hard spiritual work to be renewed and reconciled with God and others. Another reason to be filled with hope came from our eighth grade students who received the sacrament of Confirmation from Rev. Bp. James Checchio. May the Holy Spirit guide them as they begin their mature life as catholic Christians. Finally, our Holy Week was also a powerful experience of God's real presence through sacramental signs and Words that kindle the fire of hope. Thank you for your participation in all the services during Lent and Holy Week especially to all of you who in many ways helped to make our Holy Triduum special. I pray that as we enter the Easter Season, you may experience the love that God has for you.

Our Easter Season will last for 50 days so that we may reflect on the blessing that has been given to us. Be then an Easter light to others as they are often placed in your path to be a light to you. May our faith and confidence in the Risen Christ bless this world with the renewed hope that it desperately needs. May God bless you and your loved ones.

Fr. Stan


Each year CTR Parish conducts the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This Program allows participants to grow in faith along the way. Thirst for knowledge. Study the Scriptures. Read the Catechism. Pray fervently. This was the most amazing experiences of Lunden Scheller and Joanna Obarzanek who participated in the RCIA Program this year. Please read carefully as Lunden shares with us some of her RCIA experience.

Interviewer: What prompted you to investigate becoming a Roman Catholic through the RCIA program? How well do your know your sponsor and how did he help you during the two years of the program?
Lunden: I was raised in a family that didn't participate in any kind of organized religion, so when I met my now husband and saw his passion for his faith and the community of the church, I was instantly intrigued. As our relationship progressed, I found that I wanted to learn more and more about Catholicism and the "universality" of the faith in hopes of raising our family in a united, Catholic home. After the baptism of our first son, I entered the RCIA program to start my conversion. It is very important to me that we raise our children in a unified manner and that our children can find their own Christian "community" within the church.

Interviewer: What was the most memorable part of the Easter Vigil for you?
Lunden: My baptism, confirmation, and first holy communion were extremely important to me, but the most memorable was the lighting of the Paschal Candle. The sense of community and belonging I felt while standing in front of the church was inspiring and emotionally touching. My situation is unique in that my family grew while I was in formation.

Interviewer: How did your find time to prepare for the classes being so busy?
Lunden: During both years of RCIA, my husband and I juggled our children and pregnancies. We will be welcoming our third child in a few weeks and could not be more excited that we will all share a catholic faith together. I could not have made it through the two years of class without my husband's support both in and outside of class. The first year he attended every class with me and engaged in really meaningful conversations with me outside of class. another sentence

Interviewer: Why did you choose the beautiful name Madeline for your Confirmation name?
Lunden: Madeline will be our daughter's name, so it serves as a way to connect us both. Therefore, I chose to take her name as my confirmation name. I hope one day, she will recognize the significance of my rebirth into the Roman Catholic faith with her name as my own.


A great day for hiking consists of temperatures in the upper 50's, a gentle breeze, and clear-blue cloudless skies. Tuesday, 18 April, was one of those days when Larry Hans, Steve Cramer, Tom Giacobbe, and Ray Suehnholtz hiked up and down Bear Mountain, NY, a strenuous trek of about 6 miles. The photo shows the hikers on their descent of Bear Mountain, with the Bear Mountain Bridge in the background. After a night spent at the Bear Mountain Inn, they ventured on a 5 mile circuit hike starting from Tuxedo, NY. This hike included a visit to Claudius Smith's Den, a hideout for notorious gangsters during the American Revolutionary War.

The hiking club's next hike will be on Wednesday, 17 May; interested hikers should contact Tom Giacobbe at


When: July 10-14, 8:45am - 3:00pm
Place: Sacred Heart Church, Manville, NJ.
For Children: Completed Pre-K through completed 5th grade.
Fees: First child - $120; 2nd - $100; 3rd - $85; and all other siblings - $70.
Includes: Lunch, Snacks, Supplies, Trip, and Prizes.
Registration: Christ the Redeemer Office at 908-725-0072 or email Mary Ellen Day at Please make checks payable to Christ the Redeemer Church. Registration closes on Friday June 2, 2017 ***NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!



Christ the Redeemer Lenten Retreat in English

This year our Lenten Retreat began on Sunday March 19 and ended on Wednesday March 22 with Father Alfred Bradley C.Ss.R. as the preacher. Every day during the retreat, for the first time in our parish, the Lenten Lamentations ("GORZKIE ŻALE") were sung (each day a different part). Bitter or Lenten Lamentations is a traditional Polish devotion during Lent. It originated in the early 18th century and became a very popular Lenten devotion, incorporating prose and verse, chant and reading, prayer and meditation. It served as an excellent medium for reflection and deepening appreciation of the mystery of Redemption. Cardinal John Krol, Archbishop of Philadelphia recommended the use of the Lamentations as "a devotion which, for centuries, has been attractive and advantageous in promoting a proper observance of the Lenten Season and in preparing Christians for a worthy celebration of the Paschal Mystery."

During his preaching on Monday Fr. Bradley pointed out that during Lent, we might move towards conversion by challenging our attitudes, recognizing the evil and sinfulness within us, see the good and the bad, and grow towards wholeness and healing. Father reminded us that "We are finite people capable of infinites." Our second evening underlined that growing closer to Jesus is a life-long process. We should not take life for granted because it can end at any time. Life is a precious gift from God who loves us knowing we are not perfect. Jesus comes to give us peace so we should believe so we can see! On the third evening the focus of Father Bradley's homily was two-fold: "The glory of God is humanity fully alive." and as you treat others "so will my Heavenly Father treat you in the same way." The evening services ended with Benediction and confessions.

A Mass was celebrated by Father Bradley, Father Slaby, Deacons Tom and Bill during our last evening of Lenten Retreat. During the homily, Father Bradley said that for the Catholic Church to flourish we must accept God's invitation and let the values and principles of the Bible lead us to a personal holiness. We can't become more like Jesus and stay the same. Jesus takes us, blesses us, and mends our brokenness. We must reach out and touch the lives of others, embrace our baptismal call, and be the people God calls us to be. At the conclusion of Mass, Father Stan and the congregation thanked Father Bradley for his words of wisdom and witness to the Gospel that he preached. May God bless him and his ministry.

A lot went on in our parish in March and April. Please take a look on our web photo gallery to enjoy some of them once again.

May Devotion: Every Monday and Thursday after 11:00am Mass at Sacred Heart church in English. May Devotion in Polish on Wednesdays, Fridays at 6:40pm and Sunday at 7:00pm
May 6th – 11:00am at SH - First Holy Communion
May 7th – Good Shepherd Sunday - World Day of Prayer for Vocation 11:00am - Parish Breakfast
May 14th – Mother's Day – May Crowning
May 25th – The Ascension of the Lord (Holy Day of Obligation)
May 29th – Memorial Day – Mass at SH Cemetery
May 31th – The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

June Devotion: Every Monday and Thursday after 11:00am Mass at SH in English. June devotion in Polish on Wednesdays, Fridays at 6:40pm.
June 4th – Pentecost Sunday – Religious Ed Closing Mass
June 10th – Ministry Day of Retreats
June 11th – Trinity Sunday – Grade third, First Communion Anniversary. Parish Picnic
June 23rd – Feast of Scared Heart of Jesus
June 4th – Corpus Christi Sunday – Father's Day
June 25th – Novena – Mass – and procession in honor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help



Missionary in Brittany and Vendee; born at Montfort, 31 January, 1673; died at Saint Laurent sur Sevre, 28 April, 1716.

From his childhood, Saint Louis de Montfort was tirelessly devoted to prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. He studied at the Jesuit College at Rennes and Paris. He joined a society of young men who, during holidays, ministered to the poor and to the incurables in the hospitals, and read edifying books to them during their meals.

Saint Louis de Montfort was ordained a priest at the age of twenty-seven, and for some time fulfilled the duties of chaplain in a hospital. In 1705, when he was thirty-two, he found his true vocation, and thereafter devoted himself to preaching to the people. For seventeen years he preached the Gospel in countless towns and villages. As an orator he was highly gifted, his language being simple but replete with fire and divine love. His whole life was conspicuous for virtues difficult for modern degeneracy to comprehend: constant prayer, love of the poor, poverty carried to an unheard-of degree, joy in humiliations and persecutions.
As well as preaching, Saint Louis de Montfort found time to write a number of books which went on to become classic Catholic titles and influenced several popes. Montfort is known for his particular devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the practice of praying the Rosary. Montfort is considered one of the early writers in the field of Mariology. His most notable works regarding Marian devotions are contained in the Secret of Mary and the True Devotion to Mary.

A year before his death, Father de Montfort founded two congregations -- the Sisters of Wisdom, who were to devote themselves to hospital work and the instruction of poor girls, and the Company of Mary, composed of missionaries. At the beginning of the twentieth century the Sisters of Wisdom numbered five thousand, and were spread throughout every country; they possessed forty-four houses, and gave instruction to 60,000 children. Grignion de Montfort was beatified by Leo XIII in 1888.

The Roman Catholic Church, under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII canonized Montfort on July 20, 1947. A "founders statue" created by Giacomo Parisini is located in an upper niche of the south nave of Saint Peter's Basilica. (Source: Catholic Encyclopedia)


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Created by inter-works for Christ the Redeemer Parish
PO Box 924, Manville, NJ 08835
Phone:(908) 725-0072

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last updated: 06.21.2017